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r|sy_Sk/{ U S~JLJI HYGEPDF Hypergeometric probability density function.
{gq:sj> s!zr>N" Y = HYGEPDF(X,M,K,N) returns the hypergeometric probability
Vt 5XC~jK density function at X with integer parameters M, K, and N.
@x\gk5 Note: The density function is zero unless X is an integer.
vcUM]m8k "Mu$3w The size of Y is the common size of the input arguments. A scalar input
YJ;a{)e functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs.
A 5\"e^> 4?6'~G$k See also hygecdf, hygeinv, hygernd, hygestat, pdf.
"\P~Re"EH fTnyCaB Reference page in Help browser
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