光學(xué) PPT (PDF版)23次課 下附目錄
J72YZrc 1 Introduction; brief history of optics; absorption, refraction; laws of reflection and refraction
D1~3 3; 2 Laws of reflection and refraction; prisms; dispersion; paraboloidal reflector
2@f?yh0 3 Perfect focusing; paraboloidal reflector; ellipsoidal refractor; introduction to imaging; perfect on-axis imaging using aspheric lenses; imperfect imaging using spherical surfaces; paraxial approximation; ray transfer matrices
ILT.yxV 4 Sign conventions; thin lens; real and virtual images
29k\}m7l<* 5 Imaging at finite distances with thin lenses; thick lenses; the human eye; image formation by a composite lens
ZZU"Q7`^ 6 Aperture stop; entrance and exit pupils; numerical aperture (NA); field stop; entrance and exit windows; field of view (FoV)