Parameterize the Bumps }=?kf3k
The Backlight Utility was helpful to build the backlight system quickly. However, =<y$5"|
the bumps must be parameterized in order to get the desired output distribution. qS*qHT(u19
You can do this easily using the LightTools Properties dialog box. 8GN0487H
1.In the System Navigator, expand the items LightGuide, CubePrimitive_1, VzA~w`$d
BottomSurface, and Zones. Then, select Texture, as shown in the following pjvChl5
figure. Uxn_nh
2.Right-click and select Properties on the shortcut menu. 5Z]`n
3.Select the Geometry tab. pi q%b]
4.Select the arrow next to the Placement drop-down list, and select Bezier. Click _' Xt
Apply. ^j[>.D
ghtTools Introductory Tutorial