binbinq |
2022-03-17 15:02 |
Broadband silicon nitride nanophotonic phased arrays for wide-angle beam steering
In this Letter, the broadband operation in wavelengths from 520 nm to 980 nm is demonstrated on silicon nitride nanophotonic phased arrays. The widest beam steering angle of 65◦ on a silicon nitride phased array is achieved. FoefBo?g65 (iIw}f)w The optical radiation effificiency of the main grating lobe in a broad wavelength range is measured and analyzed theoretically. The optical spots radiated from the phased array chip are studied at different wavelengths of lasers. The nanophotonic phased array is excited by a supercontinuum laser source for a wide range of beam steering for the fifirst time to the best of our knowledge. It paves the way to tune the wavelength from visible to near infrared range for silicon nitride nanophotonic phased arrays.