"8iyMP%8 不是平均。是wavelengths中設(shè)定的最長(zhǎng)的波長(zhǎng)在像面上主光線的位置減去最短波長(zhǎng)在 &s}@7htE 像面上主光線位置所得的數(shù)值。 "}~i7NBB Zemax使用說(shuō)明書上是這樣寫的, ?U9d3] W if "all wavelengths" is not checked: The data computed is the distance on the image surface ff5
Lwf{{ from the shortest wavelength chief ray intercept to the longest wavelength chief ray intercept. j*Wh;I+h
2016-08-07 08:03
kimclps:不是平均。是wavelengths中設(shè)定的最長(zhǎng)的波長(zhǎng)在像面上主光線的位置減去最短波長(zhǎng)在 W;}u 2GH 像面上主光線位置所得的數(shù)值。 n; '~"AG) Zemax使用說(shuō)明書上是這樣寫的, ~TK^aM if "all wavelengths" is not checked: The data computed is the distance on the image surface [tf^i:2 ....... (2016-08-06 23:31) 6l]?%0[*
8\V>6^3CD$ 非常感謝
2016-08-17 21:17
2017-10-11 11:45
kimclps:不是平均。是wavelengths中設(shè)定的最長(zhǎng)的波長(zhǎng)在像面上主光線的位置減去最短波長(zhǎng)在 :2gO)
'cD 像面上主光線位置所得的數(shù)值。 CnA)>4E*' Zemax使用說(shuō)明書上是這樣寫的, Pg C]@Q% if "all wavelengths" is not checked: The data computed is the distance on the image surface 4c@F.I ....... (2016-08-06 23:31) <bppu>&