摘要: 論述了
2=PBxDs; 關(guān)鍵詞:
光學(xué)設(shè)計; 眼底照相機; 雜光; 鬼像
ydWtvFuS 中圖分類號: TB851; R774.1 文獻標識碼: B
I.}1JJF* 文章編號: 1002-1582(2000)02-0139-03Control of ghost and scatter light in retinal cameraCUI Gui-hua
T#:F]= (
Optical Engineering Dept. Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081) Abstract: A method for clear up the harmful light such as scatter light and central ghost in retinal camera was introduced. In designing the objective lens of the illumination, we set the ghost generated by some optical surfaces at nearly same position, and then added some black spot plates in the illumination path, also conjugated the ring-like stop of the illumination system with the aperture stop of photography system.
V9x8R Key words: optical design; retinal camera; scatter light; ghost1
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