1.Bn Ray bulk scattered inside of object n. If the n value is 0, then bulk scattered segments from any object will return true for this test.
2.Dn Ray diffracted after striking object n. See En.
3.En Diffracted from parent segment’s object n. This flag only gets set for ray segments split from diffractive elements, for order numbers other than zero,when ray splitting is on.
4.Fn Scattered from parent segment’s object n. This flag only gets set for ray segments split from scattering surfaces when ray splitting is on. The specular segment does not get this flag, only scattered segments. If the n value is 0, then scattered segments from any object will return true for this test.
5.Gn Ghost reflected from parent segment’s object n. This flag only gets set for ray segments reflected from refractive objects when ray splitting is on. If the n value is 0, then ghost segments from any object will return true for this test.
6.Hn Ray hit object n. To test whether a ray hit an object, the flag is of the form Hn.For example, to test if a ray hit object 5, the flag would be H5. See Ln.
7.Jn Similar to Gn, except that all segments prior to the ghost reflection point are set to have zero intensity. This allows Detector Viewers to look only at ghost energy,
not direct incident energy, even if the ray later ghosted off another object. The zero intensity values will only affect the Detector Viewer, not the ray database viewer or layouts.
8.Ln Ray hit object n last. To test whether the last segment of a ray branch hit an object, the flag is of the form Ln. For example, to test if the last segment of a ray branch hit object 5, the flag would be L5. See Hn.
9.Mn Ray missed object n. To test whether a ray missed an object, the flag is of the form Mn. For example, to test if a ray missed object 15, the flag would be M15.On Ray originated at source number n. O0 (that is "O" as in Origin and "0" as in zero)
will select all sources.
10.Rn Ray reflected after striking object n. The flag R7 would test if the ray reflected after striking object 7. See Gn.
11.Sn Ray scattered after striking object n. This tests the "S" flag as listed in the ZRD file, which refers to scattering at the point a ray strikes an object. See also Fn and X_SCATTER.
12.Tn Ray transmitted (refracted) in to or out of object n. The flag T4 would test if theray refracted in or out of object 4 after striking the object.
13.Wn Ray uses wavelength n. If the n value is 0, then rays with any wavelength will return true for this test. Note this filter only tests the initial wavelength for the ray as it leaves the source. If wavelength shifting is used (see “Bulk Scatter tab” on
page 408) the wavelength may change during propagation.
14.X_AXYG(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local x-y plane greater than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +y direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
15.X_AXYL(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local x-y plane less than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +y direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
16.X_AXZG(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local x-z plane greater than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +z direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
17.X_AXZL(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local x-z plane less than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +z direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
18.X_AYZG(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local y-z plane greater than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +z direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
19.X_AYZL(n,v) Ray has incident angle (in degrees) on object n in the local y-z plane less than v. The angle is measured with respect to the +z direction without regard to the direction of propagation. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
20.X_GHOST(n,b) Ray segment has ghosted exactly b times, and has hit object n at least once. If n is zero, any ray segment that has ghosted b times will pass the test. For example, to consider only all second generation ghosts (ghost rays from ghost
parents), use X_GHOST(0, 2). X_GHOST does not consider ghost ray segments that end in a TIR condition; although rays that TIR are considered ghosts. For example, if a third generation ghost ray leaves one surface, strikes another surface, and then TIR’s from this second surface, X_GHOST(0, 3) will not include this segment because the segment ended in a TIR and not a ray termination (the ray reflected and continued). This same segment will however be included in the filter
X_GHOST(0, 4) because the ray ghosted a fourth time (at the TIR point). This
is an artifact of how ZEMAX defines segments and counts ghost rays. In all
cases, all ghost rays can be found if sufficiently high values of b are tested. Note
rays which TIR from refractive surfaces are considered ghosts, but rays reflected
from mirror surfaces are not. See also Gn.
21.X_HIT(n,b) Ray segment has hit object n exactly b times.
See also Hn, X_HITFACE, and X_HITFACE2.
22.X_HITFACE(n,f) Ray segment has hit object n on face f.
See also Hn, X_HIT, and X_HITFACE2.
23.X_HITFACE2(n,f,b) Ray segment has hit object n on face f exactly b times.
See also Hn and X_HIT.
24.X_IAGT(n,v) Ray has absolute intensity greater than value v on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
25.X_IALT(n,v) Ray has absolute intensity less than value v on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
26.X_IRGT(n,v) Ray has intensity relative to initial intensity greater than value v on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
27.X_IRLT(n,v) Ray has intensity relative to initial intensity less than value v on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
28.X_LGT(n,v) Ray has local incident x ray direction cosine greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
29.X_LLT(n,v) Ray has local incident x ray direction cosine less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
30.X_MGT(n,v) Ray has local incident y ray direction cosine greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
31.X_MLT(n,v) Ray has local incident y ray direction cosine less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
piAFxS<6 32.X_NGT(n,v) Ray has local incident z ray direction cosine greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
33.X_NLT(n,v) Ray has local incident z ray direction cosine less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
34.X_SCATTER(n,b) Ray segment has scattered from parent exactly b times, and has hit object n at least once. If n is zero, any child ray segment split off from the parent ray that has scattered b times will pass the test. For example, to consider only first generation scatter rays, use X_SCATTER(0, 1). This filter tests only the scatter
from parent or "F" flag as listed in the ZRD. See also Sn and X_SCATTERF.
35.X_SCATTERF(n,b) Ray segment has scattered from object n after the parent of the segment hit object n exactly b times. To apply this filter, a search is made for the parent segment that hit object n exactly b times, and only that particular parent segment is considered. If no parent segment hit object n exactly b times, the filter returns false. For example, to consider only scattered rays that branch off from the
parent ray after the third hit on object 5 (that is, the ray leaving the source has
twice before hit this same object), use X_SCATTERF(5, 3). See also Fn and
36.X_WAVERANGE(n, a, b) Ray has hit object n and has a wavelength between a and b micrometers,inclusive.
37.X_WAVESHIFT(i,j) Ray has wave shifted during a bulk scatter event from wavelength i to wavelength j.
38.X_XGT(n,v) Ray has local x coordinate greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
39.X_XLT(n,v) Ray has local x coordinate less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
40.X_YGT(n,v) Ray has local y coordinate greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
41.X_YLT(n,v) Ray has local y coordinate less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
42.X_ZGT(n,v) Ray has local z coordinate greater than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
43.X_ZLT(n,v) Ray has local z coordinate less than value v at point on object n. If the ray never strikes object n, this flag is false.
44.Z Ray has fatal error.