SPIE 2011 Tutorial Texts 系列,共11本,我會逐步上傳分享。
U,'EF[t 1, Optical Design Applying the Fundamentals
zFywC-my@ 2, The Design of Plastic Optical Systems
sXiv, 3, Computational Fourier Optics A MATLAB Tutorial
p'g^Wh 4, Direct-Detection LADAR Systems
0Qp[\ia 5, Introduction to Imaging Spectrometers
Rjq a_hxrS 6, Modeling the Imaging Chain of Digital Cameras
./7v",#*.' 7, Nanotechnology A Crash Course
p-,Iio+ 8, Optical Design of Microscopes.pdf
b~*i91)\ 9, Analysis and Evaluation of Sampled Imaging System
qi&D+~Gv! 10, Bioluminescence and Fluorescence for In Vivo Imaging
ZjS(ad*.2 11, Polarization in Optical Fibers
srK53vKMHW IM=+3W;ak Hope helpful.
x#mtS-sw2Q ;SKcbws MANG2004