2nd announcements - Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture2007 (Call for papers) (Apologies if you get multiple announcements of this message.) Thanks for the overwhelming responses to the conference. Due to many requests for extension, the deadline for paper submission has been extended to 30 JUN 2006. Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2007 (APCOM2007) 11-13 January 2007, Hong Kong http://www.apcom07.ise.polyu.edu.hk Call for papers Objective: The region of Hong Kong and Southern China has become a manufacturing hub for optical components and optoelectronics. These optical devices are widely used in various consumer and scientific products, instruments and lighting systems. The first Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2007 (APCOM2007) is to be held on 11th -13th January, 2007 in Hong Kong. APCOM2007 aims to provide an exciting platform for the international exchange of latest research findings and developments in the area of optical design, advanced optics manufacturing technology and optical measurement. It also intends to promote the sharing of ideas and emerging technologies, as well as to foster R & D collaboration amongst academics, research institutions and the relevant industries. Scope of the APCOM2007: Advanced Optics Design Design and Manufacturing of Displays Advanced Optics Manufacturing Technologies |